Cougar Sales, Inc., USA/Texas

Cougar Sales, Inc. is a vendor of mechanical and plumbing equipment in the commercial and institutional markets in Greater Houston and Southeast Texas. Cougar Fuel Systems is a division of Cougar Sale

ACHEMA 2022 report

Cougar Sales, Inc. is a vendor of mechanical and plumbing equipment in the commercial and institutional markets in Greater Houston and Southeast Texas. Cougar Fuel Systems is a division of Cougar Sales that specializes in the fabrication of skids utilized in critical fuel systems. Cougar Fuel Systems has developed packaged equipment serving the commercial, institutional and oil/gas industries. Cougar Fuel Systems has provided critical fuel systems equipment throughout the United States as well as sites in Mexico.


Find a solution to help us quickly and accurately design piping assemblies for our fabricated skids, while also allowing for inclusion of vendor supplied parts.


Establish a workflow that will facilitate quick generation of 3D piping production drawings and easy integration of vendor supplied parts into our design model via Smap3D P&ID and Piping.

"In the few short weeks that I have used Smap3D Piping I have noticed a significant improvement in the time it is taking to draw one of our fabricated skids. Smap3D's Pipe Class Specification and Partfinder modules have allowed me to easily add correct piping and vendor supplied parts to my database for a truly complete 3D production drawing."
Daniel Leos, Product Development/Marketing

Image source: Cougar Sales, Inc.

Press release (PDF)


Better planning in all areas with Smap3D Plant Design:

P&ID 3D 管道 ISO单线图 管道等级/规格 钢结构 Steel to NC PDM/ERP 接口 电气设计 Stress Simulation Bending Simulation Pipe Fabrication 3D Laser Scan

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