Smap3D Academy: The new online training platform is live

Customers of Smap3D Plant Design who have an active software maintenance contract can now benefit from a free online training offer. The software…

ACHEMA 2022 report

Customers of Smap3D Plant Design who have an active software maintenance contract can now benefit from a free online training offer. The software expert for the planning of pipelines in machines and plants provides its own digital learning academy for this purpose - based on the e-learning platform of its affiliated company Linius Technologies. In the so-called Smap3D Academy, customers will find their own self-administrated instance that provides access to the extensive Smap3D training materials and can be expanded into a fully comprehensive e-learning environment for the own company if desired.

With Smap3D Academy, the range of services offered by Smap3D Plant Design is now even more attractive: the free e-learning platform allows users to access various training courses regardless of location and time.

The Smap3D Academy is now an integral part of Smap3D Plant Design's maintenance services worldwide. The previous services, such as the support hotline and access to regular software updates, are thus supplemented by a strong component.

"With Smap3D Academy, we are expanding the service for our customers with active maintenance contracts. They get the opportunity to access our comprehensive training materials and other important documents at any time and from any location - without additional costs," explains Maxim Lich, CEO of Smap3D Plant Design. "The content is prepared by experienced Smap3D application engineers and is constantly expanded and updated. Process engineers and designers of our customers can thus teach themselves the basics of our software and use the courses as a reference book in their daily work."

Each Smap3D maintenance customer receives its own instance on the e-learning platform of Linius Technologies GmbH, an  affiliated company of Smap3D Plant Design, and can create up to three users for each software license with a software maintenance contract. The basic setup fee normally due is waived completely. In addition, the customer does not incur any monthly user costs as long as he remains within the contractual employee allowance. The user interface of the so-called Linius Campus appears in the design of the Smap3D Academy for customers who previously did not have their own instance. Optionally, however, the colors and logo can be adapted to the company's own corporate design. After all, the Linius platform is the perfect foundation for a company's own digital learning platform, which can be self-managed and -operated cost-effectively by the customer. Courses can be purchased flexibly in the Linius Shop, but can also be created in-house and bought by third-party providers. For only two euros per month, additional users can be created and the storage space for the customer's own content can be expanded.

Wolfgang Wanner, Head of Marketing at Smap3D Plant Design and Linius Technologies, is pleased about the promising project and focuses on the expansion possibilities that the solution offers. "Smap3D customers not only get permanent access to a digital learning academy with lots of training content. We are also laying the foundation for them to operate their own modern e-learning platform with minimal personnel and financial effort. That's a top achievement and an offering that is second to none."


More information about the Smap3D Academy can be found

Press release (PDF)


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